Fischer Oriental-Influenced Victorian Style Upright Piano


The Style S Upright Grand was the highest-grade, most expensive upright piano in the Fischer Piano product line, selling new for $1,100 – the cost of a small house!

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Categories: , SKU: 4453


Fischer Oriental-Influenced Victorian Style Upright Piano

The Style S Upright Grand was the highest-grade, most expensive upright piano in the Fischer Piano product line, selling new for $1,100 – the cost of a small house!

$24,000 after total restoration
(not including applicable sales tax & shipping charges)

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YEAR: 1887
FINISH: Mahogany
STATUS: Restored

The J & C Fischer Piano Company was one of the largest and most successful piano manufacturers in New York’s history. Their instruments were celebrated by artists and musicians for nearly 175 years!
This beautiful upright piano was the most elaborate, highest grade piano in the Fischer product line. A full-size “upright grand’, this model was known to rival the sound of large grand pianos built by their competitors.
The original catalog description is as follows:
“Style S. – Upright Grand.”
Rosewood Finish, Fancy Burled Walnut, Mahogany and other woods.
Price $1,100.
7 1/3 Octaves, 3 Unisons, Scale A to C, Overstrung Bass, Grand Scale, improved French Grand Action, patented, elaborate designs in Fretwork and Panels, Panel sides in chaste patterns, Concave Corners with pillars, magnificently carved Consoles, richly carved Mouldings, Wing Music Rest, Patent Pedal Guard, Ivory Keys. 4 feet 8 inches high, 2 feet 3 inches wide, 5 feet 7 inches long.
It is fascinating to think this piano sold new for $1,100 in the 1880s, the cost of a small house! Because of their high cost when new, this model was built in modest numbers and is rarely encountered today.
This piano is made of beautiful exotic-grain mahogany wood and is handsomely carved in the elaborate Victorian style. Note the beautiful cut-out fretwork panels and the unusual pair of round columns framing either side of the instrument. The front legs of the instrument depict ancient griffin-like creatures, giving the instrument a bit of an oriental-influenced Victorian flavor; the carved detail is exquisite!
This piano is being restored to like-new condition, inside and out. Even now, prior to restoration, the piano has a rich, full tone quality which is an indication of a superior instrument post restoration. Computerized player mechanisms can be installed if desired; more than 10,000 song titles are available!
An original matching piano stool is included.