Blasius & Sons Parlor Grand Piano


Amazing Parlor Grand Piano built by the Blasius & Sons Piano Company of Philadelphia

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Categories: , SKU: 4133


Blasius & Sons Parlor Grand Piano

Amazing Parlor Grand Piano built by the Blasius & Sons Piano Company of Philadelphia

(not including applicable sales tax & shipping charges)

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YEAR: 1909
LENGTH: 5 feet, 11 inches
FINISH: Red Mahogany
STATUS: Restored

This is an exceptionally high quality, well built parlor grand piano made by Blasius of Philadelphia. The Blasius Piano Company built incredibly expensive pianos from 1855-1925, but due to their high price when new, they are quite rare today. This piano has many features found only in the "top of the line" pianos of its day, and it is a joy to play. It has a strong, concert quality tone, and a beautiful light touch. The cabinet is made of elegant red mahogany wood and is in the late Victorian style. A matching bench is included. This piano can be equipped with computerized player mechanisms if desired.