The Orchestral Model was the largest and most expensive model in the Mathushek product line.
This piano is an “Orchestral” model square grand piano, the largest and most expensive model offered by the Mathushek Piano Company. Mathushek was known for getting the largest tone out of the smallest space, so these large Orchestral square pianos sound truly amazing.
This piano is made of beautiful Brazilian Rosewood hidden underneath the old deteriorated finish; the piano will be quite beautiful after restoration. Note the heavily carved scalloping around the edges of the case, as well as an ornate grilled music rack. It is rare that one has the opportunity to play an Orchestral square piano, and many are surprised at how pleasing an instrument it can be to listen to.
Computerized player mechanisms can be installed in this piano if desired, allowing the piano to play wirelessly from an iPad, computer or smartphone. Thousands of song titles are available!