Steinert & Sons Grand Piano
$40,000.00Rare Grand Piano By M. Steinert & Sons
M. Steinert & Sons was originally established in 1860 in Athens, GA as a retailer of musical instruments and related merchandise. The firm soon moved to New Haven, CT at which time it acted and an agent to retail Mathushek pianos. The firm expanded and moved to Boston by 1880, and was quickly recognized as one of the country’s leading music stores. M. Steinert & Sons began building their pianos in 1903 after merging with the Jewett Piano Company and A. M. Hume. Instruments by M. Steinert & Sons was met with instant success, and their instruments were known to be superior instruments. “The Great House of Steinert & Sons”, headquartered at 162 Bolyston Street, had large retail stores in most larger New England cities during the early 20th Century.
In 1932 Steinert closed several stores and two factories in Leominster Massachusetts. After Alexander Steinert’s death on November 15, 1933, Jerome Murphy, along with partners Robert Steinert and Alfred Prouty, acquired the company. Today the company, now owned by the Murphy family, serves New England from two retail locations, Steinert Hall at 162 Boylston Street Boston and the Natick Mall in Metro West Boston. The company now represents Steinway, Boston, Essex, Knabe and Roland pianos and Rodgers church organs.
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Rare Grand Piano By M. Steinert & Sons
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