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Kohler & Campbell
Industrial giant Kohler & Campbell was one of the largest and most successful piano manufacturers of all time.  Established in 1894 by Charles Kohler and John Calvin Campbell, the firm ultimately took control of literally dozens of piano firms and manufacturers during its amazing history. During the pre-depression era, the “Standard Pneumatic Action Company”, a subsidiary of Kohler & Campbell, was building an amazing 50,000 player piano actions annually for piano manufacturers all over the world!
A number of well-known piano manufacturers had some connection to Kohler & Campbell.  Many of America’s old illustrious brand names were absorbed into Kohler & Campbell during the Great Depression and World War II years.  American production of Kohler & Campbell ceased in about 1985. Today, Kohler & Campbell is owned and manufactured by Samick in South Korea.

Can you find your instrument listed in these antique catalogs?

Kohler and Campbell Company Catalog 1908
Kohler & Campbell Illustrated Sales Catalog, Circa 1908
Kohler & Campbell Piano Company Catalog 1920
Kohler & Campbell Illustrated Sales Catalog, Circa 1920

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