1900 Gabler Upright Piano


This lovely piano came to us in dirty, unusable condition. Even though this piano is made of light oak wood, the old finish has chemically broken down and turned very dark over the years.


After professional restoration, the beautiful golden oak wood really shines through! The piano now sounds as good as it looks, and it is ready to give another lifetime of service to its family.


Scroll down to see the piano restoration process!

ABOUT THIS PIANO:  This Gabler upright piano is a rare example of an Eastlake style upright piano in a golden oak finish.  This piano was built in 1900, a time when dark exotic woods like Honduran Mahogany and Brazilian Rosewood were most popular in Victorian design.  This was a time when oak was considered an inexpensive domestic wood, and lighter finishes were just beginning to become popular.  Although light oak was widely used on pianos by the 'teens and 'twenties, it was far less common on Victorian pianos at the turn-of-the-century.
The firm of Ernst Gabler and Brother was known to build exceptionally well made, expensive pianos and the firm enjoyed huge success for decades.  This piano is a family piece and was sent to us to be restored so it could be handed down to future generations.  Now that it has been restored, it is ready to give another lifetime of service!

Scroll down to see the piano restoration process!

Piano Restoration Process:

Assessment & Disassembly

The piano is carefully disassembled and each piece is labeled and recorded.  The elaborately scripted GABLER and PARLOR GRAND decals are documented and recorded so they can be replaced with absolute accuracy when the piano is refinished.

Piano Restoration Process:

Cabinet Repair & Refinishing

Although this piano was originally done in a light golden oak finish, the original finish has chemically broken down and turned very dark over the years.   The finish is carefully removed from the piano and the broken and missing parts are repaired and replaced.  The case is carefully sanded and re-glued for structural integrity.


Several coats of golden oak stain, sealers and lacquers are applied to the case with each painstakingly sanded and rubbed.  The beautiful new finish allows the beautiful oak woodgrain to show through like it did when the piano was built in 1900!

Piano Restoration Process:

Soundboard Repair & Re-Stringing

 As piano strings age, they develop surface rust which deadens their tone and they become too brittle and weak to be tuned.  The old rusty strings are removed from the piano with careful steps taken to measure the size and diameter of each individual string.  Once the strings are removed, the harp is removed from the piano case.  The original old-growth wood soundboard is restored rather than replaced, and the bridges are repaired so that they are again fully functional.  The soundboard is refinished and the harp is re-gilded with brilliant gold lacquer.  The harp is placed back inside the piano and new strings are carefully installed.

Piano Restoration Process:

Action & Keyboard Restoration

Sadly, the edges of the original ivory has been chipped away (likely by a child with a small hammer) and will have to be replaced with new faux-ivory keytops.  The new faux-ivory keytops give the keyboard a nice ivory look while providing the durability of new piano keytop material.  The old deteriorated piano action gets new hammers, shanks & flanges and the whippens are carefully rebuilt.  All felts and leathers are painstakingly replaced so that the piano action looks and functions like a new instrument!



After professional restoration, the lovely golden oak wood really shines through!  With its original light oak finish restored, the detailed carvings and etchings are much more visible and give the piano a warm and elegant appearance.  The beautiful GABLER name label has been replaced with historical accuracy and puts a finishing touch on this beautiful instrument.  The piano now sounds as good as it looks, and it is ready to give another lifetime of service to its family.


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