Wilcox & White
Wilcox & White was established in 1877 in Meridan, CT. The firm built a variety of pianos and organs during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, but their specialty was player pianos and player organs. Wilcox & White was one of the first to produce a ‘push up player’ device to play ordinary pianos. This device was called the ‘Angelus’ and was essentially an external cabinet with felt covered ‘fingers’ that were pushed up to a piano keyboard. The device used a perforated roll and was operated by foot treadles, and was the forerunner of the traditional player piano of the early 20th Century. They built a line of player reed organs called the ‘Wilcox & White Symphony Organ’ which were very complex and ahead of their time. After the turn-of-the-century, the firm manufactured more traditional player pianos under the ‘Wilcox & White’, ‘Artrio-Angelus’ and ‘Vesper’ brand names. In 1909 Sir Herbert Marshall & Company entered into a contract with Wicox & White which allowed his firm the exclusive representation of the Angelus player mechanism in Great Britain. Wilcox & White was out of business before the Great Depression era.
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