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The Premier Piano Corporation was a large manufacturer of small baby grand pianos in New York during the 1920’s and 1930’s era. Established in 1919, The Premier Piano Corporation had offices and factories located at West 23rd Street in New York City and on 11th Avenue in Los Angeles, CA. During the 1920’s, a typical Premier baby grand piano would sell for about $725.00.
In about 1925, The Premier Piano Corporation purchased the “Virtuola” brand name from The Hallet & Davis Piano Company and Premier built a limited number of grand pianos under the “Virtuola” brand name.
Because of Premier’s substantial manufacturing capacity, the firm built instruments for several popular American brand names under secret contract. Premier pianos were built of good quality, and they were distributed all over the United States and Canada.  There is no mention of the Premier Piano Corporation after about 1937.

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Premier Piano Company Advertisement
Early 20th Century Sales Advertisement From The Premier Piano Company, Circa 1922

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