The S. W. Miller Piano Company (not to be confused with the Henry F. Miller Company of Boston) was established by Swain W. Miller in Sheboygan, Wisconsin in 1896. S. W. Miller built high quality pianos and organs, and although the firms advertising presented itself in a grandiose fashion, they actually built instruments in fairly modest numbers compared to their contemporary manufacturers.
The S. W. Miller Company was housed in a “state of the art” factory which was located at 15th & Bluff Streets in Sheboygan. In addition to instruments sold under the “S. W. Miller” brand name, the firm also built a line of upright pianos under the “Eureka Piano” label and reproducing player pianos under the “Electora” label.
Insruments by S. W. Miller were known to be of very good quality and craftsmanship. The S. W. Miller Piano Company was out of business before the Great Depression, and their instruments are a bit rare today.
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