Chicago Cottage Organ
The Chicago Cottage Organ & Piano Company was originally established in 1879 as the Wolfinger Organ Company by a group of partners named Wolfinger, Comstock, and Cable. In 1885, the name was changed to Chicago Cottage Organ & Piano Company, and they built pianos and organs until the early 1900s.
Shortly after the turn of the 20th Century, the name was changed to The Cable Piano Company, one of the largest and most successful piano manufacturers in American History. Although Chicago Cottage Organ & Piano Company was dissolved shortly after 1900, the Cable Piano Company went on to build pianos for nearly a century.
Can you find your instrument listed in these antique catalogs?

Illustrated Sales Catalog For the Chicago Cottage Organ Company, Circa 1880

Illustrated Sales Catalog For the Chicago Cottage Organ Company, Circa 1890
Chicago Cottage Organ Advertisements
Period Advertisements For The Chicago Cottage Organ Company