1932 Starr “Duchess” Model Baby Grand Piano



Scroll down to see the piano restoration process!
About this piano: This small “apartment size” Duchess baby grand piano would have originally been built for apartments or small cottage homes which were popular in the late twenties and early thirties. The Duchess brand name was built and sold by the large Starr Piano Company of Richmond, Indiana. Built in 1932, this piano was built during the height of The Great Depression, a time when very few could afford the extravagance of a new baby grand piano!
After nearly a century of use, this piano had become worn and difficult to keep in tune. The Antique Piano Shop was contracted to restore the piano so that it could be passed down through the family as a functioning, usable instrument. The goal was to make this piano as good as (if not better than) a new baby grand of similar quality, which we were able to do. The piano will be passed down through the family for future generations.
The owner of the piano had us do a custom dark mahogany finish so that it would better match her interior décor. Refinishing the piano gave it a rich, deep patina and luster that truly showcases the imported Honduran mahogany woodgrain. Restoration also made the piano sound like a top quality new grand piano. Despite its small size, the tone quality is rich and mellow unlike the harsh, shallow sound of most small new pianos. The video below will serve as a good example of how nice an antique “apartment size” baby grand piano can really sound after professional restoration!
Scroll down to see the piano restoration process!
Piano Restoration Process:
Assessment & Disassembly
An amateur attempt at refinishing long ago has caused the piano case to become dry and faded. The previous refinisher had applied the DUCHESS name decal using block mailbox letters from the local hardware store! The interior of the piano was dirty and deteriorated but still very restorable. Each individual piece of the piano is disassembled, labeled and recorded. The piano is assessed by our team to determine what parts are to be ordered and what parts will have to be made.
Piano Restoration Process:
Cabinet Repair & Refinishing
The faded old finish is carefully removed from the piano and the natural mahogany wood is exposed. Broken and missing pieces are repaired or fabricated. The customer has requested a dark mahogany finish, so several coats of dark mahogany stain and lacquer are applied to the case, each coat painstakingly sanded to ensure clarity and luster. All hardware and brass pieces are carefully hand-polished and sealed to prevent future tarnishing.
Piano Restoration Process:
Soundboard Repair & Re-Stringing
Years ago, the strings and tuning pins were spray-painted gold in poor quality attempt at restoration. The gold paint caused the original strings to sound "tubby", virtually killing the tone. The strings and harp were removed and the old-growth wood soundboard restored and refinished. The harp was re-gilded with brilliant gold lacquer and a new pin block was made for long-term tuning stability. The new strings were installed and the piano looks like brand new inside!
Piano Restoration Process:
Action & Keyboard Restoration
A previous attempt at restoration many years ago has done more harm than good to the piano action. The original ivory was replaced with cheap plastic keys, and several interior parts have replacements of the wrong size and design for the piano. The piano gets new hammers, shanks, flanges and whippens with all other felt, leather and bushings replaced in the piano. The keyboard is restored with top-quality key top material for long-term durability. After assembly, regulation and tuning, the piano is now ready to be delivered back to its owner.
The owner asks us do a custom dark mahogany finish so that it would better match her interior décor. Refinishing the piano gave it a rich, deep patina and luster that truly showcases the imported Honduran mahogany woodgrain. Restoration also made the piano sound like a top quality new grand piano. Despite its small size, the tone quality is rich and mellow unlike the harsh, shallow sound of most small new pianos. The video below will serve as a good example of how nice an antique “apartment size” baby grand piano can really sound after professional restoration!