This Model Of Weber Rococo Style Parlor Grand Piano Is One Of The Most Elaborate, Expensive Parlor Grand Pianos Produced In The 19th Century.
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The Weber Piano Company was one of the leading American piano companies of the 19th and 20th Centuries, and is noted for their high quality, expensive pianos. We have had a handful of these wonderful Weber Rococo Victorian grand pianos, and they are consistently some of the finest pianos we see come through our shop. According to its original 19th Century sales catalog (see photos), this piano was sold as the "American Style" grand piano, and sold for $1,000 in 1888! It is 6'3" long and is made of elaborately carved Brazilian Rosewood. These pianos are known as "Elephant Leg" pianos due to the heavily carved cabriole legs they have...they resemble highly decorated circus elephants when you look at them sideways. Note the amazing transformation between the "before" and "after photos! Computerized player mechanisms can be installed if desired. An original matching stool is included.