Schubert Mahogany Victorian Upright Piano


This is a lovely Gothic Revival inspired Victorian upright piano by the Schubert Piano Company, made of beautiful mahogany wood

Categories: , SKU: 4545


Schubert Mahogany Victorian Upright Piano

This is a lovely Gothic Revival inspired Victorian upright piano by the Schubert Piano Company, made of beautiful mahogany wood

(not including applicable sales tax & shipping charges)
Sale Pending
YEAR: 1887
FINISH: Brown Mahogany
STATUS: Restored

This piano was built by the Schubert Piano Company of New York in about 1887. Schubert built superb upright and grand pianos from about 1880-1936, and they were usually lavishly carved with intricate detail. These pianos were quite expensive in their day, and they were always built with the finest craftsmanship and materials. Schubert pianos are always very impressive after restoration.

This piano is made in a Gothic Revival style Victorian cabinet, and is made of elegantly carved brown mahogany wood. It will be just stunning after total restoration. Note the beautifully carved detailing in the legs and moldings. An original matching stool is included. This piano can be equipped with computerized player mechanisms if desired.