Kimball Victorian Parlor Organ


Lavish Victorian Kimball Parlor Organ In Two Tone Walnut And Ebony Finish

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Categories: , SKU: 4746


Kimball Victorian Parlor Organ

Lavish Victorian Kimball Parlor Organ In Two Tone Walnut And Ebony Finish

(not including applicable sales tax & shipping charges)

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YEAR: 1893
FINISH: Walnut With Ebony Trim
STATUS: Restored

This is a lovely example of the typical high-style Victorian era parlor pump organ. This organ was built by the famous Kimball Piano & Organ Company of Chicago in about 1893, and it is done in a beautiful two-tone walnut and ebony finish. Note the beautifully carved fretwork and molding which was in high fashion during that era. This organ has been totally restored and refinished to like new condition, and an original matching stool is included.