Large, handsome Clough & Warren Upright Grand Piano in Louis XV Style Mahogany Wood
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Established in 1850, Clough & Warren built some of the most elaborate and expensive organs we have ever seen come through our shop. Sometime after the Civil War, Clough & Warren began also building pianos, most of them quite exceptional in cabinet work and musical quality. As the 20th Century continued to see pianos and organs evolve into more simple, traditional designs, Clough & Warren continued to push their elaborately carved instruments into the market place rather than modernizing their designs to suite the modern century. As a result, Clough & Warren appears to have closed somewhere around 1920, ironically at the height of piano production in America.
This piano is a rare Louis XV style upright, with handsome carved legs, pillars, and moldings. Note the unusual rounded shape of the front panel and sides
the cost to produce this piano would have been substantially higher than a traditional style piano of the era, hence their rarity today. This piano is made of beautiful mahogany wood, and will be stunning after restoration. The musical quality of these pianos is just as amazing as the aesthetic appeal of their beautiful cabinets. This piano can be equipped with computerized player mechanisms if desired. A matching Louis XV bench is included.