The York Piano brand name was built and sold by The Weaver Piano Company of York, PA. York was built as one of Weaver’s most popular models and they were known as being very well made instruments. In addition to The York Piano, Weaver built a full line of upright pianos, player pianos and grand pianos under the brand names of Livingston, Lincoln, and Davis & Sons. After the Great Depression era, Weaver built a line of spinet, console and baby grand pianos under the York name that remained popular for several decades.
The Weaver Piano Company is one of the few American firms to survive both The Great Depression and World War II without being absorbed into a larger conglomerate. The Weaver Piano Company was sold to Mr. William H. Worrilow, Jr., in 1956. Mr. Worrilow discontinued The Weaver Piano Company in 1959.
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