Horatio E. Worcester is first listed as working with the piano maker John Osborn in Albany, NY. In 1834, Worcester is listed as a piano maker at 8 Warren Street, New York City. Horatio Worcester was best known as being a partner in the prominent firm of Stodart, Worcester & Dunham from 1836 – 1844.
In 1845, Worcester was again building pianos under his own name at 139 Ave. 3, New York City. Records show that by 1858, Horatio Worcester’s shop was building as many as 8 pianos per week. Worcester was known for building very well made instruments and he enjoyed a stellar reputation within the industry.
Although Worcester’s firm was overshadowed by younger and more innovative makers, he preferred a conservative approach to business, remaining small and manageable compared to his larger contemporaries. Horatio Worcester continued to be a respected member of the trade for decades, building pianos until his death in 1890. Instruments by Horatio Worcester are of museum caliber and deserve the finest restoration and preservation available.
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Worcester Advertisements
Early 19th Century Advertisement For The Horatio Worcester Pianos
Worcester Newspaper Article
19th Century News Paper Article Featuring The Worcester Piano Company, Circa 1862