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Victor Piano Company

The Victor Piano & Organ Company was established in Chicago in 1891 by the Bush Brothers and Walter Lane. In 1904, the firm was changed to The Bush & Lane Piano Company, although the Victor brand name continued to be produced.  By 1905, the factories were relocated to Holland, Michigan.

Victor / Bush & Lane was known for building exceptionally well made, heavily-built pianos that were extremely durable. The firm was made up of a group of industry experts who tirelessly studied the science of piano manufacturing, constantly improving their instruments in order to offer the finest quality pianos possible.

Bush & Lane offered a full line of upright pianos, player pianos, and grand pianos, all higher grade instruments that enjoyed national success.  Bush & Lane was especially well known for their elaborate cabinets and lavish use of exotic and rare woods.  In addition to the Victor and Bush & Lane brand names, the firm built pianos under the names of Farrand, Cecilian, Paulus and Oxford.  The Bush & Lane Piano Company went out of business before 1931 due to the Great Depression.

We have restored a number of Bush & Lane pianos in our restoration shop.  Pianos by Bush & Lane and their subsidiaries are some of the finest, most well made pianos we see come through our shop.  The sound quality of a full-size Bush & Lane piano is truly astounding.


Can you find your instrument listed in these antique catalogs?

Victor / Bush & Lane Piano Company Illustrated Sales Catalog, circa 1904