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James T. Patterson established The Bridgeport Organ Company in Bridgeport, CT in 1877.  The firm was located at Howard Avenue and Spruce Street.  built a limited number of parlor organs and pianos in Bridgeport, Connecticut in the late 19th Century era. My the 1890s, the firm was producing as many as 2,400 organ annually and maintained showrooms in London.  Archives show a brief mention of the firm’s London office in 1921, indicating the firm was still in business well after the turn-of-the-century era.

Can you find your instrument listed in these antique catalogs?

James T Patterson 1881 Part 1
Catalog 1881 Part 1
Patterson Piano & Organ Company
James T Patterson 1881 Part 2
Catalog 1881 Part 2
Patterson Piano & Organ Company
Patterson Advertisements
19th Century advertisement for the Patterson Piano & Organ Company