Munn, James
“Munn & Company” was established by Mr. James Munn in New York just before the turn of the 20th Century. The firm started out as a large retailer of pianos, musical instruments and related merchandise. Before 1915, Munn had expanded to 6 large retail stores all across New York State where he sold various brands of pianos in addition to “Munn & Co.” pianos. His instruments were known for their quality and workmanship an affordable price. The firm enjoyed much success in the early 20th Century.
It is unclear whether or not Munn & Company actually manufactured their own pianos, and it is speculated that some pianos under the “Munn & Co.” label were likely built by Kohler & Campbell under secret contract. In addition to the “Munn” brand name, the firm also sold pianos under the “Walton” brand name which were prominently featured at their large retail store in Walton, New York. The Munn & Company went out of business in the late 1920’s with the Great Depression.
Can you find your instrument listed in these antique catalogs?