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“Moline” was an active builder of parlor organs and church organs during the last quarter of the 19th Century. The company was established by Johannes Peterson in 1871 shortly after he immigrated to America from his native Sweden. In 1881 Moline established his firm as “Moline Cabinet Organ Company”, and then changed it to “The Moline Organ Company” in 1888.  By this time the popularity of the parlor organ was experiencing a sharp decline due to the increasing popularity of the piano in the American home.
The firm was reestablished as ‘The Moline Organ & Piano Company’ in about 1894, adding pianos to it’s product line.  The firm was reorganized again in 1899 as “J. Peterson & Company‘”.
Peterson was known for building exceptionally well made instruments, and his organ manufacturing company grew to huge proportions.  Moline organs were found in churches and larger homes all over the country by the first part of the 20th Century.  Moline continued to put their best effort into organ manufacturing and their pianos were never built in large quantities compared to other manufacturers.  It appears that the firm went out of business just before the Great Depression era.

Can you find your instrument listed in these antique catalogs?

Moline Advertisements
Turn-Of-The-Century Advertisement For Moline Organ Company, Moline, IL
Portrait Of J. Peterson
Portrait Of J. Peterson, Founder Of Moline Organ Company and J. Peterson & J. Peterson & Company