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C. Kurtzmann & Company was established by Christian Kurtzmann in Buffalo, NY in 1848. In about 1859, C. Kurtzmann went into partnership with a gentleman by the name of Hinze to form the company of “Kurtzmann & Hinze“.  Christian Kurtzmann dissolved this partnership sometime in the late 1860’s and started building pianos under his own name.
During the 19th Century, Kurtzmann built a number of square grand piano models, slowly integrating upright and grand pianos into their line by the turn-of-the-century. The firm was incorporated as “C. Kurtzmann & Co.” in 1901 and their factories were located on Niagara Street in Buffalo, NY.  During the early 20th Century, C. Kurtzmann & Co. had gained control of the Capen Piano Company and “Brockport Manufacturing Co. The Wurlitzer Piano Company took control of Kurtzmann in 1935, and built the Kurtzmann brand name until 1938.
Kurtzmann was known for building very high quality, expensive pianos and organs, and their instruments were often very elaborate and sometimes “overbuilt”. These instruments are truly amazing examples of old-world quality and craftsmanship.

Can you find your instrument listed in these antique catalogs?

C. Kurtzmann & Co. Illustrated Sales Catalog, Circa 1905

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