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Keogh, A & J
Keogh was a small manufacturer of square grand pianos in Buffalo, NY from about 1850-1875. From 1850 – 1856, the firm was known as “A & J Keogh”, but after 1856 our archives show the firm being listed as “Keogh & Company”.
In 1856, L. Gottschalk, one of the most famous pianists of the 19th Century, praised A & J Keogh for building excellent pianos, praising their square grands above and beyond most contemporary concert grand pianos of the day!  A & J Keogh used Gottschalk’s endorsement for marking purposes for several years and continued to enjoy modest success.
There is no mention of the firm after the Civil War period.  A & J Keogh never built a large number of instruments, and they are exceedingly rare today.

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Keogh Piano Advertisements
Mid-19th Century Advertisements From The A & J Keogh Piano Company, Buffalo, NY, Circa 1856
Keogh Piano Advertisements
Mid-19th Century Advertisements From The A & J Keogh Piano Company, Buffalo, NY, Circa 1856