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Gale, A. H.
One of the 19th Century’s most successful square grand piano manufacturers was the firm of A. H. Gale. The firm was originally established in 1837 as The New York Piano Manufacturing Company, and consisted of about 20 journeymen piano makers on a cooperative basis. The original factory was located at 163 – 165 East 23rd Street, New York City, then later moved to 17 Mercer Street. As the firm continued to grow, it again was moved to new factories on 3rd Avenue.
In about 1839, A. H. Gale took control of the company and the name was changed to “A. H. Gale & Company”. The firm was located at 13th Street at this time. A. H. Gale & Co. built a full line of square grand pianos as well as a handful of upright models. These instruments were known to be of superior quality and craftsmanship, and they enjoyed a very good reputation. A. H. Gale & Company went out of business in 1870, although some instruments were sold under the A. H. Gale brand label as late as 1900. Pianos by A. H. Gale & Company and The New York Piano Manufacturing Company are exceedingly rare and are of museum caliber. They deserve the finest restoration and preservation available.

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19th Century Advertisement For The A.H. Gale Piano Company, Circa 1865

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