Fox, John C. (& Joseph)
John C. Fox and Joseph Fox were fairly active, small-scale piano manufacturers in New York City in the early to middle 19th Century. It is not clear if these two men were brothers or close relatives. Joseph Fox is first listed as a cabinet maker in New York City as early as 1824. By 1830 Joseph Fox was building pianos at 30 Burton Street. In 1833, Joseph Fox went into partnership with Francis Gruss, building pianos under each of their names respectively. There is no mention of Joseph Fox after about 1845. John C. Fox is listed as starting his piano business in the 1850s in New York City. In 1860, John C. Fox is listed as building pianos at 86 Walker Street. John C. Fox had a very good reputation for building high quality pianos in New York City.
In about 1862 John C. Fox moved his business to Kingston, Ontario, Canada. The firm built pianos under the label of “John C. Fox, Kingston, C.W.” (“C.W.” stands for ‘Canada West’ which is what Ontario was known as from 1840 until 1867). In 1865 George M. Weber joined the firm. John C. Fox died in 1869 and George M. Weber took full ownership of the firm, reorganizing the firm as “G. M. Weber & Company” (not to be confused with The Weber Piano Company of New York).
We have restored a handful of instruments by John C. Fox (mostly square grand pianos) and they are fine examples of 19th Century craftsmanship. Instruments by his firm are truly first class in every regard.
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