Cameron, A. B.
The A. B. Cameron Piano Company was established by Albert Bruce Cameron in 1897 at 551 West 40th Street, New York City. A. B. Cameron built a full line of upright pianos, player pianos and grand pianos. The firm had a very good reputation for building very high quality instruments which were distributed nationwide. Many pianos by A. B. Cameron were very elaborate, and were often made of exotic woods with elegantly carved cases.
In addition to having his own firm, A. B. Cameron was listed as President of “The Knickerbocker Piano Company” of New York in 1912. Knickerbocker went out of business a short time later while Cameron’s firm continued to prosper. As A. B. Cameron’s success grew, the firm moved to larger quarters. First, the firm was relocated at 502 – 506 East 74th Street, then finally to 213 East 135th Street, New York City.
A. B. Cameron is one of the few American piano manufacturers to survive the Great Depression without being absorbed into a larger conglomerate, but the firm went out of business with the onset of World War II. We have seen a handful of pianos by A.B. Cameron come through our workshop over the years, and they have consistently been very well made, high quality instruments.
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