Andrews & Robinson
The Firm of Andrews & Robinson was originally established circa 1850 by William Andrews and Edward B. Robinson. There factory was located at 101 Federal Street in Portland, Maine. Andrews & Robinson was a relatively small firm, and their instruments were never produced in huge numbers. They specialized in exporting their instruments to small-town piano dealers, clergymen and school teachers across the United States.
In about 1854 the firm patented the “swell mute” attachment which manipulated the tone of the piano by increasing tension on the strings and soundboard. There is very little known about the firm of Andrews & Robinson; however it appears that they only built square grand pianos and possibly melodeons. It seems that Andrews & Robinson were out of business well before the Civil War. We have only seen one surviving instrument by the firm, and it was superbly built and made with excellent craftsmanship. Pianos by this firm are exceedingly rare and of museum caliber today.
Can you find your instrument listed in these antique catalogs?
Andrews & Robinson Newspaper Article
19th Century newspaper article featuring Andrews & Robinson Piano Co., Portland, ME