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Krall, Charles
Charles Krall is first listed in 1854 as being in partnership with Otto Schuetze in the piano firm of “Schuetze & Krall”. Their factory was located at 85 Varick Street, New York City. Their partnership was very short-lived and was dissolved in 1855.  Charles Krall built pianos under his own name for the next decade. In 1867, Krall went into partnership with a gentleman by the name of Fakler to establish the firm of “Krall & Fakler”. Their firm was located at 291 West 24th Street, New York City. Charles Krall died in about 1871, and there is no mention of the firm after that time. Instruments by Krall are exceedingly rare today.

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Charles Krall Advertisement
19th Century Advertisement For Charles Krall, Piano Maker, New York City